Examples for codewithhugo.com
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Table of Contents:
Article: A Docker/docker-compose setup with Redis and Node/Express
Repository: github.com/HugoDF/express-redis-docker
Article: Docker Compose Local HTTPS with nginx or Caddy and mkcert
Repository: github.com/HugoDF/docker-compose-local-https
Article: Bring Redux to your queue logic: an Express setup with ES6 and bull queue
Repository: github.com/HugoDF/express-bull-es6
Article: Testing an Express app with SuperTest, moxios and Jest
Repository: github.com/HugoDF/express-supertest-moxios
Article: A guide to Express request and response mocking/stubbing with Jest or sinon
Repository: github.com/HugoDF/mock-express-request-response
Article: Writing multiple Vue components in a single file
Repository: github.com/HugoDF/vue-multiple-components-in-sfc
Article: Build and deploy a Vue/React/Vanilla JS app with Parcel and GitHub pages
Example: example.codewithhugo.com/parcel-gh-pages-deploy/
Repository: github.com/HugoDF/parcel-gh-pages-deploy/
Article: JavaScript GraphQL client requests in Node and the browser using graphql.js
Example: example.codewithhugo.com/js-graphql-client-example
Repository: github.com/HugoDF/js-graphql-client-example